
About Us
Adrok – Subsurface Technology Business & IP Sale
Beast Sports – Global Sports Nutrition Brand & IP Portfolio – SOLD
Business & IP Assets for Sale
Case Study: IP Audit and Valuation
Case Study: IP Valuation Legal Dispute
Case Study: IP Valuation of A Pre-Revenue Renewable Energy Technology Company
Case Study: IP Valuation Opinion Leisure Business
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Critical Partners, Suppliers and Customers
Current IP Asset Sales:
Digital Health Business Sale – IVF sector
FAQs for Buying IP Assets
Fluidic Analytics – Life Science Instrumentation Company & IP Portfolio For Sale
Food Tech Company
Footfalls & Heartbeats – Wearables Smart-Textile Solution – SOLD
Foreverhold Limited Blockchain Platform: IP assets SOLD
How Can I Commercialize My Intellectual Property?
How Can I Get IPs on my Balance Sheet?
How Can I License My Intellectual Property (IP)?
How to Monetize IP Assets & Recover Value
How to use IP to increase a business / exit price?
Industries & Sectors
Informal IP
Insolvency & Bankruptcy IP Assets for Sale
Intellectual Property (IP) Advisory
Intellectual Property (IP) Audits
Intellectual Property Finance
Intellectual Property Frequently Asked Questions
Intellectual Property Insights
Intellectual Property Licensing
Intellectual Property Trade Secrets
Intellectual Property Valuation
IP Asset Sale Terms & Conditions – Legal Notice
IP Assets for Sale
IP100 2020 Results
IP100 Entry Form
IP100 Sponsors
Knowledge Center – Intellectual Property
Meet the Metis Partners Team
MusicQubed: Music Streaming App Patents & TMs – SOLD
Organizational Knowledge
Other Domaining Opportunities – Metis Partners Domain Name Sale
Patent Box
Premium Domains – Metis Partners Domain Name Sale
Proven Patent Protected Grease Recovery ESG Solutions For Hospitality & Food Sectors – SOLD
Restructuring and Bankruptcy
Software & Gaming Domains – Metis Partners Domain Name Sale
Squirrel IP Asset Acquisition Opportunity
Stephen Robertson, Founder & CEO
Strategy and Market Intelligence
Terms & Conditions
Travel & Rental Domains – Metis Partners Domain Name Sale
Valuation Case Studies
vCIPO & IP Strategy
Welcome to IP100
What are intangible assets?
What Do Patent Trolls Do?
What is a Copyright?
What is a Formal IP?
What is a Patent?
What is a Registered Design?
What is a Royalty Audit?
What is a Trademark? 
What Is An Intellectual Property (IP) Committee?
What Is An Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy?
What is an Intellectual Property License
What Is an Intellectual Property License?
What is IP Backed Finance?
What is Proprietary Software Code?
What is R&D and Innovation?
Who We Work With
Why are Brand & Reputation Important?
Why Commercialize Intellectual Property?
Working for Metis Partners
Xihelm – R&D fruit and vegetable harvesting automation technology company


“Getting out of the rough” of slow play with the PGA
5 Activities That Could Turn A Trademark Into A Valuable Brand
5 Ways an IP Holding Company Could Benefit Your Business
ACG Quebec Webinar- IP Assets: Valuations & Bridging the Gap
Addleshaw Goddard Webinar: Data- A New Currency for Consumers and Businesses
At Metis Partners we like to put the spotlight on IP – particularly when it may not be obvious!
David and Goliath of Alt-Protein: Incredible Foods vs Motif Foodworks
Facebook presents Libra – what’s the key intangible asset involved?
Football sponsorship deals – brands, betting and booze – what a conundrum
Has Apple Bitten Off More Than It Can Chew?
How Napster Transformed a Copyright Shutdown to a $70m Price Tag
How To Benchmark and Build Your IP Strategy for Long Term Success
How to Build a High-Value (M&A) Exit from Day One
ICAEW: IP Valuation in a Post Covid-19 World
Insolvency 2020: The California Bankruptcy Forum
Introducing: The New Metis Partners Brand
IP Assets Might Lift Some of the Dark Shadows Around the Retail Sector
IP Disruptors Episode 1: COVID-19 and it’s Impact on IP Valuation
IP Disruptors Episode 2: IP Valuation for Business Strategy
IP Disruptors Episode 3: How to Use IP Insights to Monitor and Adapt to Market Changes
IP Disruptors Episode 4: Built to Win: How to Benchmark & Build Your IP Strategy
IP Disruptors Episode 5: IP Policing is Much More Than Patent Infringement and Brand Protection
IP Disruptors Episode 6: SPACs: Key Risks and Valuation Challenges in Going Public
IP Drivers for a successful SPAC transaction
IP Strategy – Pruning and Rebalancing Your IP Portfolio
IP100 Insights on IP Strategy Recap: focus on the key activities and tactics for success.
Kraft Heinz and Brand Value: Did Operational Effectiveness Override Competitive Strategy?
Listen to our latest Podcasts with our CEO, Stephen Robertson.
May need more than golf technology to get out of this rough!
Measuring Brand Value: Brewdog’s IP vs IPA
Metis Monthly Insights – January
MP Insights I Latest Edition
NFTs and the world of Intellectual Property Rights
Our Recent CVA Experience – IP Factors and IP Valuation Insights
Procopio Webinar: Trade Secrets- The Protection vs Promotion Conundrum Explained
Recognizing the Importance of Trade Secret Metadata
Rise and shine: IP Strategy, the Kylie Jenner way
Sale and leaseback – a model for increasing trust in IP assets?
Session II: IP Strategy Tactics
Singapore Fintech Festival
Tattooing leads to a Hangover…What?
The Lockdown Crisis and the IP Opportunity
The Role of IP Rights in Green Technologies Innovation
Trade Secrets: How To Turn Knowledge Into A Valuable Intangible Asset
Tune in with our CEO as the Guest Speaker in a Podcast.
Tune in with our CEO as the Guest Speaker in the Branding Business Podcast.
Upcoming Events
Was Sheeran “shaping” up for IP litigation?
Why Slow and Steady Could Have Beaten Swift…