Why do I need an IP valuation?

Are you developing tech? Are you spending on marketing and brand? Do you document your unique business processes? Do you have a ‘secret sauce’ that enables you to generate more revenue or profit than your competitors – if the answer is yes then you are investing in intellectual property (IP), BUT who else knows this but you? How do you articulate the intellectual property value of this investment when it is hidden from your balance sheet?

The benefits of identifying and valuating your IP assets are significant:

  • For growth and business transformation: businesses that rely on intellectual property valuations to make informed decisions about IP protection, ROI on marketing and R&D innovation, IP licensing, or to demonstrate to lenders that they have well-protected assets that are securing future cash flows.
  • For M&A and exit: working sell-side to ensure acquirers recognize all the IP value that has been created, but not included in the balance sheet, and providing that all-important intellectual property narrative that demonstrates how these IP assets are used to drive growth and margins, now and post-acquisition.

Why use Metis for a IP valuation?

There are many providers of business valuations and a smaller number who specialize in intellectual property valuations (aka IP valuations), including those who solely offer patent valuation services. We have delivered IP portfolio valuations and individual IP asset valuations, such as brand or patent intellectual property valuations. The feedback we have received from clients is that our intellectual property valuation reports deliver ‘tangible’ benefits for them:

  • A new IP narrative they use in their discussions with lenders, investors and acquirers – evidence of the extent, quality and value of ALL their critical intellectual property assets.
  • Clear mapping of the key IP assets to products and services, and to material revenue streams. Ensuring our intellectual property valuations are robust, transparent, and reliable.
  • Our expert opinion on which IP assets are providing that all important ‘competitive moat’ around the business, protecting future cash flows and underpinning scalability and growth.
  • Our IP Valuations are being relied on by investors, lenders, accountants, advisors and tax authorities.
  • View our client results for corporate IP valuations

Learn more about your Intellectual Property rights and how you can protect your investment. Through the experts at Metis Partners you can learn about Intellectual Property strategies in addition to formal intellectual properties such as copyrightsdesigns, and trademarks and more. You can also learn more about our intellectual property sold and our IP assets for sale too!

Our intellectual Valuation Reports for PPA purposes make it easy for our clients to achieve timely auditor’s sign off. Contact us today to speak to our intellectual property valuation experts.