Our Mission
To build trust in Intellectual Property Valuation.
We deliver valuations that are robust, reliable and provide clients with a sophisticated IP narrative that demonstrates how their IP assets will drive business growth. We use our unique information discovery process, Metisology®, which is continually evolving to incorporate technology and innovation, emerging sectors, new business models, and changing market conditions.
Learn more about our offerings such as Intellectual Property Valuations, Restructuring & Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property Advisory, and so much more.

Our Story
How It All Began
While working with the London Stock Exchange in the late 90s, Stephen Robertson, CEO and Founder, observed how analysts and investors often looked beyond the financial accounts and focused instead on the powerful brand, disruptive software or R&D that they believed provided a greater insight into a company’s future success. These were IP assets, and these assets were not just driving the revenues of public companies, they were underpinning the performance of many private businesses, large and small.
In 2003, Metis Partners was founded with the vision of helping all companies gain recognition for their IP assets that are critical to all businesses. Stephen began with a vision of helping business owners discover the valuable IP assets in their business, often hidden in plain sight. Now we are helping clients discover the value of their IP assets and our website continues the theme of discovery and aligning with our core brand 'Metis' linked to a Greek mythology in which 'Metis' is the Greek of goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and strategy.
Our Coming of Age
18 years on we have built a team of IP experts, including accountants and lawyers, who specialize in appraising and valuing IP. Our role has changed from IP educators to trusted IP advisors. Our clients are now those with market-leading brands or active M&A strategies; developing disruptive IoT solutions or pivoting their business models and restructuring in changing markets. Our clients are exciting, dynamic and innovative and we are privileged to be capturing their IP story through our unique information discovery and valuation process.
Our Values
What is important to our clients is important to us. They rely on us because we are:
Trusted: The majority of our work comes from a referral and many of our clients are recurring. Our relationships are built on trust; therefore confidentiality and discretion are vital.
Experienced: We have unrivalled experience of IP discovery and valuation and our credibility with other professionals is driven by our commitment to IP diligence.
Reputation-driven: We have an unrivalled reputation for shining the spotlight on IP. Our commitment to excellence means our clients seek our services, again and again.
Playing to our strengths: Our aim is that all staff play to their strengths. We use personality profiling to help us review and shift key responsibilities to ensure staff are fulfilled in their roles and feel valued and secure.
Leaders, not followers: we have a track record of firsts, including having the vision to create the IP100 platform. Discovery is at the core of our Metisology® process and gives us the ability to adapt to emerging markets and confidently value emerging IP assets.