How it Affects New & Old Businesses

Strong brand and reputation instill palpable elements of trust, identity and empathy in your company. Brand-related IP assets, such as the accrual of goodwill in the registered or unregistered corporate name, are often present in more established companies, and could be both the brand of your company and of the services/products. Reputational IP assets are more common in smaller, new-start companies where the key personnel are often the face of your company. A key challenge within this intellectual property (IP) asset area is the need to move brand and reputation from the key people to your organization creating an anthropomorphic identity. 

Brand Reputation & Trust - Metis Partners

What Makes Up Brand & Reputation Management?

Numerous activities can contribute to your company’s brand and reputation, including an active marketing and public relations strategy, awards, presence/presentation at trade shows and industry-specific conferences, exclusive supplier or customer relationships and/or continuous improvement and new product development. 

Learn more about the brands that we help by reading latest client results. We offer deep insight into every major industry and sector on the planet from manufacturing, business & financial services, retail, IoT software and more.