Investors & Lenders want to know about the key IP assets in their Targets and Clients. Secured Lenders rely on us to provide comfort that the borrower has robust IP that could be used as collateral. In addition to IP valuations, we also provide 'downside valuations' to estimate the recoverable value if the IP has to be sold. Our Client Results explain how Lenders rely on our IP Services.
IP Valuation for Investors & Lenders Featured Engagements

IP Valuation for Refinancing

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IP Valuation for Lending

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IP Valuation for a Lender

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IP Valuation for Fundraising – Software

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IP Valuation of Market-leading Homeware Manufacturer

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IP Valuation for Restructuring of US Retailer

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Due Diligence & Downside Valuation for PE Lender

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Investors and Private Equity buyers rely on our IP Due Diligence to ensure Targets own robust, scalable IP that underpins competitive advantage and growth. Our client results describe how we help Investors and PE buyers to identify and mitigate commercial IP risks that undermine a business or transaction.
IP Advisory & IP Sales for Investors & Lenders Featured Engagements

IP Due Diligence for Private Equity – Electrical Engineering

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IP Due Diligence for Investor – LED Engineering Business

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IP Due Diligence for Lender to Secure Growth Capital

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We have sold IP to recover value for Creditors and Secured Lenders.

See IP Assets We’ve Sold