MP Insights I Latest Edition

Articles, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Strategy, Monthly Insights
Navigating the Dynamic Interplay between Insolvency and Intellectual Property Welcome to the Autumn edition of our Metis Monthly Insights keeping you in the kNOW. This edition we are focused on the dynamic interplay between intellectual property (‘IP”) and the insolvency & bankruptcy market. Our Bankruptcy & Restructuring Team, is busy specifically, running some IP sales processes in a challenging market and ...

Metis Monthly Insights – January

Articles, Intellectual Property Valuation, Monthly Insights
Written by Founder CEO of Metis Partners, Stephen Robertson. My mission at Metis has always been to put the spotlight on IP assets in business, as I believe most business owners don’t fully recognize the value of their IP, until perhaps an M&A buyer starts talking about exit multiples.  I strive to build trust in IP valuations and I believe ...