The Company operates in a niche technology research and development market, with global clients in both the public and private sector. The Company’s cutting-edge chemistry-focused technology has a wide range of applications across a variety of sectors including electronics, medtec and filtration. The Company has a rich and extensive intellectual property (“IP”) portfolio and was committed to ensuring that it further developed its IP strategy to ensure robust protection measures for the long term.
The Company engaged Metis Partners to act as its vCIPO for nine months to:
- provide ongoing and on-demand support for all IP-related queries;
- improve the management of the Company’s IP portfolio; and
- to bolster the strength of the Company’s IP infrastructure for both the short- and long-term.
The vCIPO is a highly flexible service, and our services were tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the client, recognizing that they changed over the term of the assignment.
We adopted our Metisology® approach to identify all the critical IP assets of the business and appraised their extent, quality and protection. We developed an action plan & timetable for recommended implementation which ensured the IP objectives were fully aligned with the Company’s commercial strategy.
Throughout the vCIPO engagement, Metis Partners conducted regular meetings with the Company to provide a forum for queries, brainstorm new ideas for the IP strategic development and to ensure that the service provided was maximizing the potential benefits for the Company.
We provided expert IP commercial advice, refined the existing IP strategy, ensuring that it fully enacted the Company’s business strategy. We helped the Company implement a range of risk-mitigating projects to protect its IP, contributed to staff training on IP and helped to foster increased IP awareness & culture within the organization. We achieved measurable improvements in the Company’s short-term IP ROIs and helped strengthen its long-term IP infrastructure.
Critical IP Assets Appraised – Patent Portfolio, Trade Secrets, Key Organizational Knowledge, Brand & Trade Mark, Technical Databases