Why engage an intellectual property strategy advisor?
Many businesses have a short and a longer-term business strategy, but often fail to consider how Intellectual Property (‘IP’) can be exploited within those strategies. Metis Partners help single member LLCs to Fortune 500 companies leverage their IP assets by helping them create, implement and maintain a robust intellectual property strategy, linking it directly to their business strategy. Having provided advice on more than 1,000 IP transactions, we have seen many good and some poorly executed IP strategies. As a result, we are well-placed to recommend short and long-term actions which a company should take in order both to strengthen its competitive advantage and create stronger barriers to entry.

How can our vCIPO (Virtual Chief Intellectual Property Officer) service help?
vCIPO is an intellectual property advisory service for companies that need ad-hoc IP advice. Virtual Chief Intellectual Property Officer, better known as a vCIPO, is the outsourcing of the role of a Chief Intellectual Property Officer, who is typically responsible for a wide range of activities and decisions focused on the management of a company’s IP assets.
Metis Partners, as a company’s vCIPO, ensures that IP is always on the board agenda, by demonstrating the value it adds in achieving the company’s business goals and objectives. We provide ad-hoc support and advise on the following matters, according to each company’s needs and resources:
- IP strategy development – the refinement or development of a formal IP strategy presentation deck that showcases how IP assets, such as patents and brands, can be used to create important barriers to entry;
- IP improvement – the creation of an action plan of IP asset improvement activities, outlining the key activities and timetables with the vCIPO acting as project manager;
- IP policy – the review and refinement of relevant IP policies and processes;
- IP training – internal training in relation to the management of IP assets;
- IP asset – deployment in joint ventures, partnerships and licensing – reviewing the plans to protect and exploit IP assets and achieve a return on investment, through these corporate actions; and
- IP reporting – external IP counsel activities (if any), with an eye towards strict budget management and contributing to internal reports on IP progress to CEO, CFO, CTO, general counsel, and any other designated staff.
Who would find IP strategy support from a vCIPO helpful?
- Companies seeking support to improve their exit valuation multiple and needing that narrative for discussions with M&A advisers and buyers
- Start-up/pre-revenue companies who require strategic advice around IP protection and commercialization;
- SMEs looking to differentiate themselves from competitors, generate new revenue streams underpinned by IP assets and/or maximize the valuation of an IP-rich business prior to a fundraising;
- Companies with limited funding and/or internal IP resources looking to implement a long-term IP management strategy;
- Companies with specific IP-related issues which require external advice and support;
- Companies seeking IP-related project management support, e.g. IP audit, trade secrets policy implementation;
- Larger companies that need ongoing commercial and value-specific IP advice and support in joint ventures, partnerships and licensing arrangements.
To learn more about our vCIPO IP advisory service and how we can help your business IP strategy. Email vcipo@metispartners.com. You can also read up on our Intellectual Property Valuations and Restructuring and Bankruptcy sections.